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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Afternoon music video- Organ Improvisation

It's not often that I have the opportunity to hear organ improvisations, This lovely improvisation is fitting for this Sunday. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" is a favorite of many. Enjoy this arrangement/improvisation of this popular hymn.

What hymns did you sing in worship today?


  1. Today we sang "Creator God, Creating Still" (tune is same as "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past"); "The Church of Christ, In Every Age" (one of Fred Pratt Green's); and The Navy Hymn (Eternal Father, Strong to Save). This last in honor of Memorial Day, I believe it's been sung in this Naval Base town for some years. But I confess it did make me think "What about the infantry?[During pastoral prayer, we remembered a recently deceased member who was infantry at the Battle of the Bulge]" Alas, can't immediately think of a good hymn asking protection on the Army. I suppose that's because "Eternal Father" can let us imagine that it's the sea and sky that are trying to kill those we're asking for protection of.

  2. We pulled out the Welsh hymnal today and sang Sanctaidd, Deemster, and Diadem (All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name). We did sing them all in English, though I was tempted to sing Sanctaidd instead of Holy on the chorus on the first hymn. I don't know the Welsh for the others.

  3. Just catching up here, just wanted to say I LOVED the hymn! Thanks, Cathy!


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