"The Rich Fool" by JESUS MAFA, a a response to the New Testament readings from the Lectionary by a Christian community in Cameroon, Africa. Each of the readings were selected and adapted to dramatic interpretation by the community members. Photographs of their interpretations were made, and these were then transcribed to paintings. See: www.jesusmafa.com and www.SocialTheology.com. Source: Heard Divinity Library at Vanderbilt University
Readings for the coming Sunday may be found here.
Will you be pondering the Hosea text...in which the heavenly parent laments in terms that the human parent of a teenager might well understand?
Or perhaps Ecclesiastes..."Vanity of vanities...all is vanity!"
or even Colossians, where we are adjured to seek the things that are above...where Christ is?
or the gospel...with the parable of the man who lays up many goods, and is told he is a fool?
Or even the Psalm?
There are rich treasures in these Words. What homiletical abundance will you store and share from them?
If I were preaching on Sunday, I would be inclined to look at the verse from Colosians: If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."
ReplyDeleteI find that the Christian message is about transformation, the call to be something that I or the world is not presently but can hope to be by allowing God's grace to bring about the change.
At the same time "Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions." I speaking to me quite clearly as I unpack all my worldly possession and find I do not have a place for them--or that I really don't want or need them.
These two passages are related somehow and if I were preaching this coming Sunday, I would want these passages to roll around in my head and heart to see what God wants to say this week.
I can't believe that I am the first one to comment and it is already past noon.
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ReplyDeleteI'm being cheeky and slightly adapting the gospel lection - so will do Luke 12: 13-27,32-34
ReplyDeleteTwo words are just wandering about in my brain at the moment: empty/ full...
this could just be due to it being just after 8pm and no dinner as yet...
it could also be that I've just written a chapter on Scottish Protestant fasting rituals... and my brain is empty, but my chapter is full?
If I'm fortunate, it may actually just have something to do with a possible starter for a sermon. *g*
I'll find that out tomorrow when I prepare to knuckle down and hopefully write - need to be very organised this next 3 weeks!
So, any advances on Muthah's thoughts on transformation, or a full/ empty theme?
I've spent the morning making 4 different kinds of bread for the final worship service of the upcoming Expansive Language event. It's NOT communion bread, its Love Feast bread, even though three of the four loaves are my communion bread recipes...the fourth is gluten free bread. So, I have been busy at ministry this morning, in a Martha kind of way, excpet not anxious about it :-)
ReplyDeleteIn my free time I've read the texts and have begun to ponder 1) transformation 2)love 3) we are transformed by God's love 4) and therefore transformed by love we are to do likewise.
Now. What is love? (See it all really does relate to the bread I was making)
I was going to go with Colossians because I find that text so compelling, but then I realized that Hosea was one of the lections I wrote a Feasting on the Word article for. Happy surprise! So I've already done a ton of research on it, yet I've never preached on it. So that's what I'm going with. My title is When God Roars.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first Sunday in the new church. And THESE are the readings I get to work with?
ReplyDeleteAt least that was my first response. In the end I went with Ecclesiastes (although I changed the verses) and Luke and am going to talk about priorities.
My opening thoughts are up at my new blog
My first thought, after reading the Hosea passage, is to go check on my guinea keets out in the barn. They're a week old, slighty smaller than newly-hatched chickens, and there's nothing like having a wild-looking wee feathered creature fall asleep in your hand to put you on the verge of affectionate bliss. I wonder if it's a glimpse into God's loving connectedness to God's creatures in this week's readings.
ReplyDeleteMy second thought is, do you suppose it would work to preach about this while holding a baby bird in one's hand? I could talk about the clutter of useless stuff that hardens around our lives like the shell of an egg, when we really ought to be celebrating the wondrous feathered fluttering spirit inside... It'd certainly hold the attention of those who tend to drift...
My third thought is, well, maybe this object lesson ought not to be attempted. But it's fun to think about it!
MaineCelt, I saw a LOLCATS today that says, "If it's small and cute, it's going to P**p in your hand..." Just keep that in mind...
ReplyDeleteMainecelt, I love that idea for preaching....but I also hear MB on her comment....best to have to towels near by and hand sanitizer? LOL
ReplyDeleteGord, I hope this Sunday goes well for you, first Sunday in a new church!
we are in national election campaign mode here - in my opinion a boring campaign. I am working with Luke, and asking does our living [and voting] reflect kingdom values. I think the reading raises the question of do we vote for who gives us the biggest handout [and allows us to build bigger barns], or for the party that we think will be best for the community/national life/ world? Our national Church body has put out some resources to help people think through the issues – including some that aren’t rating in the campaign.
ReplyDeletethis past weekend we elected a new pastor, and there were over 250 people in worship over the course of the morning. This coming weekend I'm preaching (using Luke, supposedly I said I'd be pondering how the way we relate to "stuff" relates to what we proclaim about God, or something like that) and I KNOW that there will be a CRAZY low-attendance day--it's huge vacation time, plus I'm NOT the new guy. And I know it will feel like a big letdown, rather like the Sunday after Easter. sigh. But the people will gather, the Body of Christ will be present, and the Spirit will move. This I believe.
ReplyDeleteNow, how my relationship to stuff/money/whatever fits into that belief....
anyone have hymn ideas? I got nothin'...
I will be going with the Lucan text, with a smattering of Paul tossed in for fun.
ReplyDeleteI spent a lot of time last Sunday on "our daily bread" and this will carry over very well. I am a fairly serious amateur photographer, and I spoke about my "need" for a new lens (8,000 USD).
I also liked the idea from MaineCelt and the new born bird. It has real power in it, with or without the pooh.
Gord, praying for you as you start in your new church. Seems like a great way to open your time with them...priorities. :)
ReplyDeleteTeri, I am sure you know this source, but just in case: Singing from the Lectionary I especially like the comment that suggests "In Christ there is no East or West"...an old favorite of mine!
Prayers for you also this week. Natural as you say that there'd be a bit of a letdown after the excitement of calling the new HOS, but I believe with you that the Word you carry is Life and will move among you.