O God,
Thank you for the rain here in the South where it has been so needed.
Thank you for the sunshine where it has been needed.
Thank you for the rain of grace in our lives where we have needed it.
Thank you for the sunshine of your Son where we have needed him.
O God,
We continue to pray for those in Russia where the fires and high temperatures have caused a higher number of deaths.
We cry for the lives lost in the flooding in China and Pakistan.
We pray for Mexico with escalated drug wars.
We pray for our own country’s continued recession with continued job losses.
O God,
We pray for faith to live our lives as faithful as the Israelites when they passed through the Red Sea.
We pray for faith to be as courageous as Rahab was.
We pray for faith to finish the race as all those who were before us did, who now stand cheering for us.
We pray for faith to keep our eyes on Jesus who started this race and leads us to the very end.
cross posted at revgalprayerpals and rev abi's long and winding road
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