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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Prayer: Reign of Christ, Christ the King, Last Sunday after Pentecost

Holy God, holy and gracious one
Fill us with a Spirit of Wisdom
Feed us with your justice,
Nurture us with your mercy and grace.

We pray for those who are struggling from
Famine, war, drought, and other causes of hunger,
That deplete humanity, and all the world
Of the bounty of your creation.
Help us God to fed as you do.

In thanksgiving for all the gifts of this life
May we give to those who, for whatever reason
Suffer for lack of food.

Holy God, holy and gracious one
Fill us with a Spirit of Wisdom
Feed us with your justice,
Nurture us with your mercy and grace.

Holy God, help us to see those who suffer
For want of clothing, warmth, safety, shelter,
Help us God, to care as you do.

In thanksgiving for all the gifts of this life
May we tend to those who, for whatever reason
Suffer for lack of clothing and housing.

Holy God, holy and gracious one
Fill us with a Spirit of Wisdom
Feed us with your justice,
Nurture us with your mercy and grace.

Holy God, seeker of the lost,
Help us to find you, see you, know you.

Holy God, bind up the injured,
these we carry in our hearts,
Those in need of your healing.
And, help us to be your hands,
Your compassion, your healing
Love, in all we do.

Holy God, holy and gracious one
Fill us with a Spirit of Wisdom
Feed us with your justice,
Nurture us with your mercy and grace.

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