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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Prayer for Easter 4B

During this Easter Season we celebrate that not only did your lay down your life for us,
but that you rose from the dead.
And it is in rising from the dead that so much was changed.
act of kindness are shown by your children to people who need human touch.
We are able to show love to others in practice and deed.
We celebrate this resurrection power that is all because of you.

A year ago tornados ripped through the lives and communities of Alabama,
Leaving in its swath a path of death and destruction.
Lord those people are still rebuilding, still healing and many are still traumatized.
Help us as the community of faith to not forget them,
to continue to reach out to help them rebuild and renew their lives.

But Lord Alabama has not been the only area hit with damaging power of nature :
there have been major disasters everywhere.
A kids soccer ball showing up on the west coast of America
reminds us that there is still lots to be done in Japan,
And it reminds us of other countries who are still recovering
and that it is taking a long time due to lack of resources.

Lord these people need our prayers, our help and our care.
Lord, these people need a Shepherd, a good shepherd.
They need one that knows them, loves  them,
 cares about them, comforts them and has compassion for them.

Truth be known we all need you as our good Shepard.
Will you be our good Shepard?

cross posted at A place for prayer and rev abi's long and winding road

1 comment:

  1. Add to your prayers those of us in the PCUSA. We have a presby meeting tomorrow(here) and others to come this week. We have churches departing and others considering it. And at the same time we have those joining us to be ordained and others seeking a call.
    Yeah, lots going on.


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